Promoting and celebrating the fundraising efforts of Save the Children’s Deal Branch.

Welcome to the Deal branch of Save the Children. We are a group of unpaid volunteers who raise funds for Save the Children and who also attempt to raise the profile of the charity. We hold regular monthly quizzes at the Deal Vics cricket club (see future events)  . We are grateful to the Deal Savoyards choir who sing each year outside the Landmark Centre for an annual carol concert. We also respond by street collections to disasters and emergencies.

2023 was one of the toughest years in Save the Children’s 100 year history. Yet despite all that, the last 12 months have provided some incredibly proud moments as you will see from the uplifting stories in our short film.

In February 2023 a devastating earthquake hit south east Turkey near the Syrian border, killing over 50 000 people including children and injuring many thousands. Thanks to your help, Save the Children and its partners were among the first to support earthquake-affected families. The Save the Children Emergency Fund enabled Save the Children to provide emergency food rations, blankets, tents, hygiene kits, safe drinking water as well as helping families to access health services. We are grateful to Aldis Deal for allowing Deal Save the Children to collect at the store for the appeal.

Over 2.6 million people including children have fled from Ukraine to Poland or Romania since the war started in February 2022. 

Save the Children has been providing life saving humanitarian aid to those who have fled from Ukraine, by providing, food, clean water, essential medical supplies, cash transfers to buy food, as well as remote learning so children can continue their education. At the same time Save the Children is providing child friendly spaces that provide a  supportive environment for children to socialise, play and be children again.

Constant fighting in Israel and Gaza as well as South Sudan, Myanmar and Syria meant that 1 in 6 children spent the year living in a war zone.

It’s a disgraceful truth that 30% of children in the UK are now growing up in poverty. Save the Children provides grants to those who would not otherwise be able to provide essentials for their children such as beds or warm clothes. Here in Margate, Save the Children has joined partners with a number of key local organisations to improve the learning outcomes for children under the age of 5 and to prevent them falling behind with their learning.

Just £2 will buy life saving antibiotics. 30 p will buy life saving therapeutic food for a malnourished child. £5 will buy a learning support pack here in the UK.

Save the Children exists for children, so they can learn, grow, develop and achieve their full potential. Your support enables us to achieve their full potential.

Warmest wishes from all of us at Save the Children, Deal Branch.