The History of Kent Cricket Club.

We thank Mr David Robertson, official historian of Kent Cricket Club who, in October, gave a very entertaining and interesting talk about the history of the Club. He described how on one occasion, when he had been with a group of men playing cricket on the Goodwin sands the tide had started to come in and the group had to be rescued by the lifeboat!
He recounted how Kent had a great spin bowler, Colin ‘Charlie’ Blythe. Charlie had played for Kent from 1899 to 1914 taking 100 wickets in every season, bar two. On one occasion he bowled 12 overs and only one run was made from them. Tragically, Charlie had died on the Western Front on 8th November 1917 aged just 39. He is now buried in a cemetery near Ypres, Belgium.
He outlined the measures that the club is now taking to attract younger players to the club and presented lots of fascinating memorabilia of the club.
We were truly fortunate to have someone with such knowledge and enthusiasm for the game talk on behalf of Save the Children.

Sandown School

We are so grateful to the staff and pupils of Sandown School, Deal for supporting Save the Children Jumper Day.. They raised an incredible  sum of £255.

Sarah spoke to Temple Ewell School, Barton School, Dover and Hornbeam in Deal.  She had a ‘mystery box’ which contained clues to items that children need to lead happy and healthy lives. So for instance bread represented the work of the charity in providing food for children who might have been affected by a disaster. A first aid kit represented the work of the charity in providing health care all around the world. She asked for the Children’s help in identifying such items and this always provoked a lively discussion.


Sarah with the ladies of Biggs Opticians.

Lots of excited children turned up in a Christmas jumper at Hornbeam School. The photo shows children of Year R.

Children of Barton School showing their support.

Our Monthly Quizzes at the Deal Vics Cricket Club.

The monthly quizzes at the Deal Vics Cricket Club continued to prove really popular and produce a steady regular income for Save the Children. They are enjoyed by everyone there. We are grateful to Robin Parks for his hard work in acting as quizmaster.