Speaking Out
In January, Valerie Miller and Sarah Spong were the guest speakers at the Dover Rotary lunch. They spoke about all aspects of the work of Save the Children. The club very kindly donated £100 to Save the Children.
The ladies were also the guest speakers at Canterbury Rotary Club at one of the meetings at Canterbury cricket club. In September  Sarah Spoke to ‘Bright Sparks’. This is a group for retired employees of Marks and Spencer Deal.  The group kindly donated £70 to Save the Children.  Sarah also gave presentations at assemblies at Wingham Primary School and Hornbeam School on the work of the charity.

Garden Safari
In May this year, the branch held a stand selling various goods and publicising the work of Save the Children at the Kingsdown Garden Safari.  The day raised £90 for Save the Children.


Jumper Day

The support for Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day in the area has been phenomenal. Save the Children is grateful to Ripple Vale School, Hornbeam School, Breewood School, Wingham Primary School, The Plough Inn, Ripple, The Cutting Room Hairdressers and Hardmans solicitors for supporting the day.  It really is so good and encouraging to see so many schools and organisations in the area taking part in Jumper Day.

Staff at Port of Dover Supporting Save the Children Jumper Day.
Staff of the Cutting Room with Sarah Spong (Chair Deal Save the Children) supporting Save the Children Jumper Day – left to right – Mary Nutall, Caley Cameron, Sarah Spong and Carina Wood.
The team at Hardmans Solicitors in their festive knitwear.

Save the Children is grateful to Swanstitch for their constant support and allowing us to have a collecting tin in their shop.

We are also grateful to Wellingtons cafe and Jasin’s restaurant for allowing tins in their shops. In 4 months the tin at Wellingtons raised a staggering £56.

Monthly Quizzes
The monthly quizzes at Deal Vics Cricket Club continue to be very popular and a really good source of regular income. We are so grateful to Robin Parks for acting as quizmaster as well as to the cricket club for allowing us to use their premises without charge. Save the Children is grateful to everyone who attends the quizzes regularly and supports the evenings, in particular to everyone who donates to the raffle. Particular mention must be made for the December quiz, when £195 was raised at the quiz that evening. Save the Children received a £15 donation.  The branch ran a special collection for Yemen which raised £78.40. Someone kindly donated tickets to a show at the Marlowe theatre. The tickets when auctioned raised £50 for Save the Children, making a grand total of £338.40 that evening.

We sent £3985 to headquarters this year. The expenses for the year amounted to less than 3.4 per cent of this total.