Monthly Quizzes
The regular monthly quizzes at the Deal Vics Cricket club are always well attended and a good source of fund raising for Save the Children. Many thanks to Robin Parks for his hard work in acting as quizmaster.

Support from local businesses
We are really grateful to all the local businesses and schools for their support of Save the Children this year. Thank you to all local shops who allow us to put a Save the Children tin on their counter – namely -Swanstich, Biggs Opticians, Strand Pharmacy, The Sicilian, Deal Post Office, and Telegraph Road Chippie.

The Deal Savoyards
The Deal Savoyards were kind enough to support Save the Children by singing carols in December to entertain Christmas Shoppers. The music was enjoyed by all. This concert and the one performed by the scouts raised £522 for Save the Children.

Over 5 million people pledged to take part in Save the Children Jumper Day – the most
Tree-men-does day ever. We were so pleased to see many people re-using pre-loved jumpers making it our most ethical every Christmas Jumper Day.

Some of our Christmas Sweaters

Barton School Children wearing their Christmas jumpers.

Children from Temple Ewell School wearing their jumpers.

We are really grateful to the Strand Pharmacy for their incredible support of Jumper Day. They contacted local businesses and arranged a raffle for the day as well as wearing their jumpers for all of December.

Many thanks to The Strand Pharmacy for their support.

Our supporters from the Walmer Pharmacy

Save the Children is really grateful to the scouts for singing carols for Save the Children in December this year as well as collecting on this occasion and also collecting when the Deal Savoyards were singing. These events were only possible thanks to the support of the scouts.

We are so grateful to the local scouts for singing and collecting for Save the Children at Christmas.