Mr John Grimwood, a local historian, gave a very interesting talk on the subject of Colditz Castle.
Coffee Morning/Bring and Buy. The coffee morning/bring and buy sale held at Kingsdown Village Hall raised £238.65 for Save the Children, together with the £56 from the sale of Save the Children Christmas Cards.
Accessory Event The Accessory Event held at Kingsdown School raised £256.
The Big Knit.
Photograph by kind permission of Picture East Mercury
Recently, the Knitting for the Needy Group from Walmer Baptist Church held a “big Knit over two days at Walmer Baptist Church. There were competitions to guess the number of stitches in jumpers and a “silent auction” of beautiful hand made quilts.Ladies spent the weekend knitting strips that would be made into blankets and sent abroad. At the end of the weekend the ladies had raised the magnificent sum of £1715 for a project to buy mosquito nets for Save the Children. The photograph below shows Sarah Spong being presented with the cheque by Rita Bishop and the Reverend Seyan Tills.
Save the Children Deal raised £7013.79 for deprived children in 2013.
Save the Children Deal Branch would like to thank the following for their generous support.
Robin Parks, Quizmaster.
Alan Noake, Assistant County Commissioner (Community Impact)Kent Scouts.